Kimberly-Clark Review and Invitation

From our colleague Steffen Berg from Shell, regarding Professor Sahimi’s recent virtual lecture:

Visit of the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer at Shell

Prof. Sahimi gave a very well-received lecture on swelling in porous media, part of the KC distinguished lectureship award.

An audience of 25-30 participants with background from chemical catalysis to CO2 sequestration and hydrocarbon recovery attended the virtual lecture from 3 different locations, Houston, Amsterdam and Bangalore. After the lecture the attendees asked detailed questions ranging from the structure-dependent swelling behavior of clay to details of the molecular dynamics simulation such as long-range corrections to the potentials used. In summary, the lecture was a great success.

Steffen Berg (Shell)


Interested in inviting Prof. Sahimi to your institute? Prof. Sahimi offers lectures on various topics:

  • Use of wavelet transformations for characterization, modeling, and upscaling of porous media
  • Multipoint geostatistical modeling of porous media
  • Swelling and deformation of porous media
  • Atomistic modeling of nanoporous membranes.

If possible, Prof. Sahimi will come to your institute in person. Alternatively, he will present online. Interested? Please request his lecture by filling out the application form and returning it to the InterPore office.

Please note that the availability of Prof. Sahimi is limited and not all requests can be honored by the lecturer.