InterPore2021: Information for Presenters, Grant Applicants, Sponsors and Exhibitors

Notification about InterPore2021 abstracts

The last abstracts are currently being reviewed and a preliminary detailed program is being compiled. You will be notified about your abstract via email by Wednesday, 10 March.

Poster presentation format

As with in-person conferences, the schedule constrains the allowable number of oral presentations. If you’re assigned to a poster presentation, it is safe to say you are assigned to a “poster presentation 2.0” or “poster (+) presentation”. The online nature of the poster presentations have a number of distinct and significant advantages over classic in-person poster presentations:

  • The multimedia digital poster. This mandatory element of poster (+) presentations can include links and digital elements adding an interactive quality to posters.
  • The optional pre-recorded presentation. Presenters who so choose, can provide a pre-recorded talk where you can present your research to attendees.
  • The live poster Q&A session. Each poster (+) presenter will be assigned to one of the poster sessions during the conference. During the poster sessions each presenter will have a dedicated video conferencing room in which they can discuss their poster face-to-face.
  • Supporting documents. In addition to the digital poster, each poster (+) presenter can upload an additional pdf for attendees to view. Plus, each poster (+) can support up to 50 additional photos to bring your research to life.
  • Informal Q&A through chat. Each poster (+) will also have a dedicated chat area to discuss the poster at any time before, during and after the conference.

All of these elements will be found in one conveniently-located place in the online conference platform, making it easy for attendees to find and view everything. Plus, it will all be available beginning 22 May and through June 19, so there is ample opportunity for exploring and discussing posters.

More information on the conference format, including poster (+) presentations, can be found on the conference website.

Conference Grant Applications

Thanks to generous donations from Procter & Gamble and several individual InterPore members, the InterPore Foundation would once again like to offer a number of conference grants to scientists from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, and to graduate students.

Information on eligibility and how to apply can be found on the conference website.

Applications must be received by Monday, 29 March.

Sponsors & Exhibitors

During InterPore2021, participants are encouraged to connect with the conference sponsors & exhibitors found here. Benefits of making connections with the InterPore2021 sponsors & exhibitors includes:

  • Recruitment opportunities
  • Linking with experts in several porous media markets
  • Sponsor & exhibitor showcase opportunities – Sponsors & Exhibitors will provide promotional materials to be showcased during one of the live portions of the conference.
  • Dedicated exhibition time in the program – each day Exhibitors will be giving live demos, product explanations or live Q&A for participants.

For more information on InterPore2021 Sponsors & Exhibitors, please visit our website.