InterPore Election – VOTE TODAY!


2020 InterPore Election deadline for voting is 4 days away.
Voting ends on Monday, 30 November at 23:59 CET.


How it works

Eligible voters should have received emails with their login information and details. These emails have been sent by the InterPore Office Team via The subject line is “InterPore Election 2020 – vote today”. Anyone needing additional assistance with accessing the voting platform and finding their login credentials, please email the InterPore office.


You have one vote for a candidate for President-Elect, a volunteer position that last 6 years total = 2 as President-Elect, 2 years as President and 2 years as Past-President. Among many tasks and roles, the President-Elect oversees the operations of InterPore, plays an integral part in organizing and approving the annual conference for InterPore, represents InterPore at other conferences and in other organizations.

This year’s candidates for President-Elect are:

Karsten ThompsonLouisiana State University (USA)
further information

Lilit Yeghiazarian
University of Cincinnati (USA)
further information

Council Members

You have five votes for Council Members, a volunteer position that lasts 4 years. Candidate information is found on the ballot and can also be found on the InterPore website.
The importance of Council Members is demonstrated by the Council objectives:

  • To facilitate collaboration among industrial and academic researchers
  • To bring together porous media theoreticians, modellers and experimentalists from academia and industry
  • To provide a forum for exchanging ideas and expertise for the improvement of porous media models
  • To identify research questions that will lead to major improvements in theories and models of complex porous media and to define modelling challenges
  • To play a role in setting up strategic research priorities of major funding agencies at national and international levels
  • To identify sources of funding for collaborative research among partners and to facilitate setting up collaborative research projects


SAC Members

You have three votes for Student Affairs Committee Members. SAC members are responsible for the following objectives:

  • Education: Support students new in the field of porous media by organizing short courses and workshops specifically meant to introduce the basics of porous media as well as typical experimental and analytical methods.
  • Social: Organizing events to get to know each other and to have fun together offering room to discuss your own work and exchange ideas at the existing InterPore meetings and conferences.
  • Career: Since InterPore is an organization including both academics and industry, we would like to blur the boundaries between them. We would like to offer company visits or career events where students and industry representatives can get in touch with each other.

InterPore promotes diversity, equality and balance! The nominated candidates include persons from industry and academia, from different topics of porous media research, from different continents and cultures, different genders, different ages and so forth. It is the mission of InterPore to be a worldwide forum for porous media research across all involved topics, and we are committed to be a diverse, balanced and fair Society. The link between academia and industry is one of the important characteristics of InterPore. Therefore, please consider voting for at least one candidate from the industry. When making your choices, please consider these aspects to support the mission of the Society!