National Chapter Awards

The National Chapter Committee is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s InterPore Chapter Award for their activities in 2019: the Chinese and the Brazilian InterPore chapters.

The Chinese Chapter organized a conference with a significant number of participants and established an efficient communication platform in addition to the tremendous efforts put into the organization of InterPore2020 in the difficult context we all know.

The Brazilian Chapter had a very significant increase of its members over the past period. Further, the chapter organized a meeting with an international participation and a special session in the 32nd Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects in Fluid Dynamics. We especially acknowledge the effort placed into the aim of establishing contacts and cooperation with other countries/Chapters.

In recognition of their remarkable activities over the past period, free registration to InterPore2021 is offered to both the Brazilian and Chinese Chapters.

The National Chapter Committee would also like to acknowledge the great accomplishments of the other Chapters. It is gratifying to see all the local activities making the InterPore society flourish. We all look forward to the great ideas the Chapters will develop in the future together with assessing their reports for the next year’s competition.