InterPore Benelux Chapter meeting

The 4th InterPore Benelux day will take place on 2 November 2020 at the University of Twente, Enschede. The meeting will involve talks from industries (Canon, Shell) as well as universities (University of Stuttgart, University of Utrecht, and others) and will explore innovative experimental and numerical approaches to effectively apply existing porous media technologies to applications such as inkjet printing, energy storage and geothermal energy. InterPore Benelux aims to strengthen the contacts between research groups, both in the Netherlands and in the Benelux region, working on the topic of fluids transport and porous media and to promote the use of state-of-the art knowledge in this field for industrial applications.

The InterPore Benelux Chapter meeting will be accessible online and is free of charge. The program can be found here.

If you want to join (through Zoom), please find the link to the meeting on our website.