InterPore Special Issues in Porous Media Journals

With great support of InterPore President and Editors-in-Chief of Transport in Porous Media and Journal of Porous Media, three special issues are being prepared, based on the presentations at InterPore2020. The guest editors of these special issues are also involved in the organization of conference minisymposia. Three special issues have already been confirmed:

  1. Special issue “Interfacial phenomena in multiphase systems at the pore scale”(MS 6B) in Transport in Porous Media organized by Dr. Ke Xu
  2. Special issue “Adsorption, Absorption and Thermo-Chemical Transport Processes in Complex Porous Structures (MS 22) in Transport in Porous Media organized by Huijin Xu
  3. Special issue “Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Complicated Subsurface Porous/Fractured Geomaterials” (MS 3 ) in Journal of Porous Media organized by Jianjun Liu

Proposals for two more special issues are being considered:

  1. Special issue “Applied geochemistry in porous media: Interplay of chemical reactions, physical alteration, and flow phenomena” in Applied Geochemistry (MS 10) organized by Dr. Liwei Zhang.
  2. Special Issue “Uncertainty quantification and machine learning in porous media” in Petroleum Science (MS14 and 15) by Dr. Liang Xue.

All the scholars are welcome to follow and contribute.