Agreement with Begell House

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InterPore and Begell House signed association agreement

The InterPore society has recently signed an association agreement with Begell house, inc., a publishing company founded in 1991. Begell house hosts a list of currently 45 international and peer-reviewed journals. Among others, they publish the Journal of Porous Media and Special Topics and Review in Porous Media.
Prof. Kambiz Vafai, who received InterPore Honorary Membership Award in 2011, is the editor-in-chief of both journals and has been behind getting this agreement.

The alliance follows the goal to disseminate scientific results from the InterPore membership via the Begell platform to the global scientific community. The association agreement will give InterPore members
• a considerable discount of 75% on individual online subscriptions for these two journals and
• 20% on the list price of books published by Begell House.

For discounted journal subscriptions, please contact the publisher directly. You will be billed personally and receive the discounted rate after proving your InterPore membership.
As part of the agreement, Begell house will also offer InterPore the opportunity to publish their proceedings (conferences, symposia, workshops etc.) in book form upon individual decision by Begell house. InterPore publishers are encouraged to publish special issues and journal articles in the two journals, subject to the standard review process and procedures as for other publications. The InterPore logo will be displayed on the journals’ cover page. In return, Begell house is becoming an institutional member of InterPore at reduced fees, and will be among the exhibitors at our future InterPore annual meetings.

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