InterPore Mexico Meetings – 2nd InterPore Mexico Meeting

2nd Annual meeting of the Mexican chapter of InterPore 

The technical part of the Annual Meeting of the Mexican National Chapter of Interpore was held as a Special Session during the Annual Meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union (RAUGM) in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico on November 3rd, 2015. We decided to join efforts with the Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) to maximize exposure of Interpore and its Mexican Chapter to Mexican professionals and researchers working on porous media in Earth Sciences.

The Special Session was titled SE07 Los Medios Porosos en Ciencias de la Tierra: Desarrollos y Aplicaciones en México – Reunión Anual del Capítulo Mexicano de Interpore (Porous Media in Earth Sciences: Developments and Applications in Mexico – Annual Meeting of the Mexican Chapter of Interpore). The session comprised 10 abstracts (8 oral and 2 posters). Although the title referred to Earth Sciences, there was one talk on photonic structures of porous silicon, reflecting the broad scope of Interpore. A link to the session’s abstracts can be consulted here:

The forum provided an opportunity for a diverse group of porous media researchers, including theoreticians, modelers, and experimentalists, to share their ideas, methods and findings.

The conference was held in Puerto Vallarta, a touristic place on the Pacific shore. Even though there was a warning 10 days before the meeting due to Hurricane Patricia, there were no damage in Puerto Vallarta and the meeting was successfully held.

The Mexican Chapter General Assembly will be held in Mexico City early next year.