InterPore2025 Invited Speaker: Philippe Coussot

In anticipation of InterPore2025, we’re introducing the invited speakers in today’s and forthcoming Newsletters and Bulletins. This week: Philippe Coussot

Philippe Coussot
Université Gustav Eiffel, France

Title: Water transport through hygroscopic porous materials (paper, wood, textiles, fiber panels): a subtle three-phase flow

Philippe Coussot is a senior researcher in the Rheophysics and Porous Media department of Laboratoire Navier (Univ. Gustave Eiffel – CNRS – Ecole des PontsParisTech). His main current research concerns the hygrothermal behavior of bio-based construction and textile materials.

Abstract: Most bio-based materials, such as paper, natural textiles, sponges, wood or plants, fiber panels for insulation, are porous systems through which water transfers play an essential role in the applications. A specificity of these materials is that they are also hygroscopic: they can absorb huge amounts of water, typically up to about 25% of their dry mass, from ambient vapor. The original implications are illustrated by the… continue reading