InterPore2019 preview: Christmas/New Year’s edition

Winter is here (yea!), and so is the year 2019!
While 2018 has left us, the planning and preparation of InterPore2019 proceeds at full throttle. Abstract submission for oral presentations closed on 3 December, and about 900 abstracts were submitted. However, abstracts for poster pitch presentations are still being accepted online.

You might be wondering: is it really worth submitting your abstract for a poster? What a question–of course! Poster sessions and poster pitches are not merely an appendix to the InterPore2019 program but are actually a true highlight. InterPore2019 will feature three invited poster pitches by Veerle Cnudde (Ghent University),Bernd Flemisch (University of Stuttgart) and Margot Gerritsen (Stanford University). The entire InterPore2019 community will have the chance to interact with these amazing porous media scientists, and you might happen to be the poster neighbor of Prof. Gerritsen, for example. She will present a poster entitled “Thermal Simulation: Will we ever figure this out?” The title is well chosen because Prof. Gerritsen is certainly the one who can help us understand this puzzle. Margot Gerritsen is Professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford, where she works on computer simulation and mathematical analysis of engineering processes. She is also active in coastal ocean dynamics and yacht design, as well as several areas in computational mathematics including search algorithm design and matrix computations.

After having considered your abstract for the poster pitch, we imagine some of you might be into baking or even just eating and enjoying sweets, which is a wonderful activity for this time of the year (after all, when is it not a good moment for a little treat?). Do you fancy trying something new? Well, as usual InterPore2019 is here to assist you in discovering the unique traditions of the city of Valencia. As you would expect, many celebrations take place in Valencia between Christmas and Three Kings Day on 6 January, el Dìa de los Reyes in Spanish, and many of them involve food. In particular, on 5 January, the tradition is to have a Roscòn de Reyes, (a cake of the Kings – Photo credit:

Let us be a bit more precise: this is a fairly homogeneous ring-shaped porous medium decorated with candied fruit, which symbolize the precious gifts brought by the Magi (the kings). A confined layer of cream may also be found, at times. The cake may contain a nice surprise, as is typical for many kinds of porous media. In this case, the person who finds the surprise is crowned King of the house. But, be careful, porous media are tricky: there might be also a bean hidden inside the cake. The person who gets the bean has to promise to buy (or bake) next year’s cake. So, we wish you luck!

In case you like to experiment with tasty porous media, you can try this recipe.

We wish you a joyful start to 2019!


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