InterPore 2018: President’s thank you to our conference attendees

Tissa 2x3

Dear Attendee,

On behalf of InterPoreā€™s Executive Committee, I want to thank you for attending the 10th Annual Meeting and Jubilee of the International Society for Porous Media, InterPore, on May 14 ā€“ 17, 2018 in New Orleans. Your presence helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and positive spirit made our time together both productive and fun.

I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the local organizing committee led by Prof. Karsten Thompson. The amount of effort and time he and his committee and staff invested into the organization of the conference for almost two years has been enormous. Another important pillar of success of the conference is the Events Committee chaired by Prof. Oleg Iliev which we would like to thank for his continued outstanding support of InterPore.

Without the support provided by the Program Committee chaired by Prof. Rafid Al-Khoury, the organizers of mini symposia as well as courses and the session chairs such an excellent technical program would not have been possible. Thank you very much for your enormous effort and contributions.

Also, the professional work of the leaders and members of various committees like the Jubilee Committee, the Award Committee, and the Students Affairs Committee – just to name a few – as well as of the many volunteers is also very much appreciated.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of all exhibitors and sponsors, specially our platinum sponsors Math2Market, Kimberly-Clark, Proctor & Gamble, Shell, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
If you wish to view photos from the event, please visit the whova app or the photo gallery of conference page where we will poste the photos very soon. We also encourage you to upload your photos to whova for share the memories that will be updated as we receive them. The book of abstracts is also available on the conference web page [link].
We know that there is much room for improvement when we plan future meetings. We gratefully welcome your input to further enhance your experience and benefits of the future annual meetings. Therefore, I would like to ask you to please fill out the post-event survey which you should have received about a week ago. I thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions and assure you that each will be given careful consideration so that future events will be even more of a success.

I wish you all the best and thankful for your continual support that has made InterPore who we are today completing ten years and hope that you continue to be engaged in InterPore.

See you in Valencia in 2019!


Tissa Illangasekare,
President, International Society for Porous Media

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