Elections 2016

Candidates for President-Elect (alphabetical order)

Candidates for Council Members (alphabetical order)

Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte

Candidate for President-Elect

I am a founding member of the International Society of Porous Media (since 2008). I am a Full Professor in Physics and Astronomy (since 2001) at Purdue University.

Volunteer experience

As an elected member to the InterPore Council (since 2012), my activities for InterPore include:

  • webmaster and on the Organizing Committee for the 4th InterPore Conference at Purdue University where I was in charge of the conference website that included abstract submission, venue and program details.
  • participant on the organizing and advisory committees for the 2nd conference at Texas A&M and the 6th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • organizer of mini-symposia for the 2011 meeting in Bordeaux, France, (“Pore-scale visualization of processes in porous media” with Nikos Karadimitriou & S. Majid Hassanizadeh) and for the 2017 meeting on “Transport in Fractures, Geomechanical/Geochemical Evolution and Geophysical Monitoring“ with Robert Zimmerman for the 9th InterPore meeting in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2017.
  • session chair at the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 8th InterPore meetings.

In addition to InterPore, other volunteer activities include

  • Co-Chair of the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences;
  • Vice-President of the American Association of Rock Mechanics 2015-2017; and Co-Chair on the Roundtable on Foundational Research Relevant to SubTER, Department of Energy, Basic Energy Science, 2015;
  • US Environmental Protection Agency – Scientific Advisory Board – Hydraulic Fracturing Research Advisory Panel, 2013 – 2016,
  • Chair: 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium in San Francisco, CA, June 23-26, 2013;
  • Town Hall Presentation: the DOE Subsurface Crosscut Initiative, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 15 December 2015;
  • External Review Committee Member: Review of the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, June 21-24, 2010
  • At Purdue University: the College of Sciences Minority Affairs Committee, Chair of College of Science Strategic Planning Committee: Emerging Research Area; University Faculty Senate, the Department of Physics & Astronomy Council, the Graduate Student Oversight Committee and the Promotion Subcommittee.

Name a key issue that InterPore will face during your term of office. What are key factors InterPore will have to consider and how will you lead InterPore and its membership in addressing that issue?

It is an honour to be nominated for President-Elect of the International Society of Porous Media, a fast-growing professional society that brings together a broad range of scientist and engineers from around the world with a common interest in porous media. The beauty of InterPore is the diversity of its membership and the different perspectives that they bring to a fundamental understanding of porous media. A key issue facing InterPore in the next 5 -10 years will be sustainable growth and engagement of its membership while maintaining fruitful interactive exchanges and technical currency. InterPore has begun addressing this issue with the ongoing creation of regional sections to provide a local community for our members. In addition, it will be important to make strides in new directions:

  • To create strong communication among the regional sections and with the overarching International society. I propose to add a council member that rotates every 2 years filled by a regional section leader. In addition, as president-elect, I would meet regularly with representatives of the regional societies to best inform myself of their needs.
  • To sustain the vibrancy of InterPore by looking towards the future leaders of the Society. I propose to work with the membership to establish a “Future Leaders” program that identifies dynamic junior members of the community by their active participation organizing mini-symposia, regional workshops, and other volunteer mechanisms. This will ensure the continuation of the society into the future with leaders that have an active knowledge of this international society. Future Leaders can also receive support to organize special events to mentor graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at regional and Annual meetings, helping organize job forums, speed-mentoring hour and other student-level activities.
  • To establish an endowment for travel grants for post-docs, junior faculty and junior staff scientists. As our membership grows, the importance of the Annual meeting increases, yet travel by junior members is often limited by lack of travel funds. I propose to develop and sustain an endowed travel grant fund to help defray the expenses of post-docs, junior faculty and junior staff scientists.
  • To strengthen our connections with sister communities. InterPore has a rich and broad community interested in flow and transport in porous media. It is important to strengthen the number of mini-symposium related to other aspects of porous media related to mechanical, chemical, biochemical and geophysical disciplines. Cross-fertilization is important for solving many of the industrial and environmental issues facing the world. InterPore already organizes special sessions at the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Working with the membership, I would strengthen these ties and expand them to include other sister communities, such as (AGU, Rock Mechanics Associations (American, Asian, International & Eurorock), Chemical Societies and other engineering societies (ASME, SES, ASCE, etc). The development of regional workshops with sister societies will help maintain the technical currency of InterPore events.

Curriculum Vitae

Professor Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte

Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Purdue University

Department of Physics & Astronomy, 525 Northwestern Ave, West Lafayette, IN 47905

Tel.: +1-765-494-3005

Fax: ++1-765-494-0706

Email: ljpn@purdue.edu


Education and Professional Career

1977-1981 B.S. Engineering Science State University of New York at Buffalo

1981-1983 M.S. Geophysics, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ., Blacksburg, Virgina, USA

1983-1988 Ph.D. Materials Science & Mineral Engineering, Univ. of California, Berekley, USA

1989-1989 Staff Scientist Level II, Earth Sciences Div., Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA

1989-1990 Research Associate, Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Sci., Purdue University, USA

1990-1992 Visiting Asst. Professor, Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Sci., Purdue University, USA

1992-1997 Assist. Professor, Dept of Civil Eng. & Geological Sci., Univ. of Notre Dame, USA

1997-2001 Assoc. Professor, Dept of Physics, Purdue University, USA

Since 2001 Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, with a Courtesy Appointment in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences (since 1997), Purdue University and a courtesy appointment in the Lyle School of Civil Engineering (since 2008), Purdue University, USA


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

Since 2016 Co-Chair of Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, 2016- current

2013-2017 Vice-President & Board Member of the American Rock Mechanics Association

2015-2015 Co-Chair & Co-Author: Roundtable on Foundational Research Relevant to SubTER, Department of Energy, Basic Energy Science

2013-2016 Environmental Protection Agency – Scientific Advisory Board – Hydraulic Fracturing Research Advisory Panel,

2012-2017 Council Member for the International Society of Porous Media

2015-2015 Reviewer for US Department. of Energy-Geothermal Program Review

2014-2014 Co-Chair, Fracturing and Near-Fracture Processes II, Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California

2013-2013 Chair: 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium in San Francisco, CA.

2012-2012 Organizing Committee: Hedberg 2012 Conference on Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates in Provence, France July 2012

Since 1990 Reviewer for:  National Science Foundation (Engineering Division: Geomechanics; Earth Sciences Division:  Hydrology, Geophysics), Department of Energy (Basic Energy Sciences – Geosciences Program), Gas Research Institute, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Water Resources Research, Geology, United States Geological Survey, Royal Society of Astronomical Science, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Mining Science and Geomechanics Abstracts, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, International Journal of Geophysics, Advances in Water Resources, Computers & Geosciences, Geophysics, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, Ultrasonics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Tectonophysics, Engineering Geology, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Physics Letters A, CRC, National Research Council, Vadose Zone, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Energy & Fuel



Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2016 Geosciences Distinguished Lecture, Sandia National Laboratory

2013 Fellow of the American Rock Mechanics Association

2013 Distinguished Scientist Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2011 Top 31 Papers: “Fracture Intersections and Interface Waves” was selected as one of the Top 31 papers at Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists out of 800 papers

2006 Distinguished Lecture, Lassonde Institute, University of Toronto

2005 Distinguished Lecture, Geosciences and Environmental Center, Sandia National Laboratory

2004 Distinguish Lecture, Heiland Lecture Series, Colorado School of Mines

2000-2004 University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University

1998 Visiting Foreign Scholar, Faculty of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Kobe University, Japan

1997 Keynote Speaker, SUNY at Buffalo – 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Geology Department, Buffalo, New York

1996 Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Outstanding Alumna Award

1995 Schlumberger Lecture Award, International Society of Rock Mechanics

1994-199 Young Investigator Award – National Science Foundation

1994-1997 Young Investigator Award – Office of Naval Research

1992 Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing, Journal of Geophysical Research.

1990 Basic Research Award , National Research Council, Geotechnical Committee



Most important Publications (maximum 10)


  1. [1] L.J. Pyrak-Nolte and D.D. Nolte. Approaching a universal scaling relationship between fracture stiffness and fluid flow. Nature Communications. Article number: 10663. 12 February 2016.
  2. [2] E. Boomsma and L.J. Pyrak-Nolte. Particle Swarms in Fractures. in Fluid Dynamics in Complex Fractured-Porous Systems. (eds B. Faybishenko, S. M. Benson and J. E. Gale), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ. 65-84. 2015.
  3. [3] W.G. Gray, A.L., Dye, J.E., McClure, L.J. Pyrak-Nolte and C.T. Miller. On the dynamics and kinematics of two-fluid-phase flow in porous media. Water Resources Research. 51. 5365-538. 2015.
  4. [4] Y. Liu, D.D. Nolte, and L. J. Pyrak-Nolte. Pinned films and capillary hysteresis in microfluidic channels. Lab Chip. 12. 2858-2864. 2012.
  5. [5] N.K., Karadimitriou, V.  Joekar-Niasar, S.M. Hassanizadeh, P.J.  Kleingeld and L. J. Pyrak-Nolte, A novel deep reactive ion etched (DRIE) glass micro-model for two-phase flow experiments. Lab Chip. 12. 3413-3418. 2012.
  6. [6] Davis, C. A., L. J. Pyrak-Nolte, E. A. Atekwana, D. D. Werkema Jr., and M. E. Haugen. Microbial-Induced Heterogeneity in the Acoustic Properties of Porous Media. Geophys. Res. Lett.36. L21405. 2009.
  7. [7] J.-T. Cheng, L.J. Pyrak-Nolte, D.D. Nolte, and N.J. Giordano. Linking pressure and saturation through interfacial areas in porous media. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31(8), L08502. April 2004.
  8. [8] L.J. Pyrak-Nolte and J.P. Morris. Single fractures under normal stress:  The relation between fracture specific stiffness and fluid flow. Inter. J. of Rock Mech. Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abst. 37. 245-262. 2000.
  9. [9] L.J. Pyrak-Nolte, C.D. Montemagno and D.D. Nolte. Volumetric imaging of aperture distributions in connected fracture networks. Geophys. Res. Letters. 24(18). 2343-2346. 1997.
  10. [10] L.J. Pyrak-Nolte, L.R. Myer and N.G.W. Cook. Transmission of Seismic Waves across Natural Fractures. Journal of Geophysical Research. 95(B6). 8617-8638. 1990.


Michel Quintard

Candidate for President-Elect

InterPore member since 2009. CNRS researcher since 1979

Volunteer experience

Chair of InterPore Honors & Awards Committee, 2016

Chair of the French InterPore Chapter since 2014

Name a key issue that InterPore will face during your term of office. What are key factors InterPore will have to consider and how will you lead InterPore and its membership in addressing that issue?

Expansion of InterPore audience in the direction of various communities related to Porous Media Science, both on the academic and industry sides, raises several questions. InterPore has to develop on its own not forgetting cooperation with other scientific societies.

With this message, I wish to express my interest in standing for President of the InterPore Society. The creation of InterPore in 2008 was a great initiative that proved very efficient for our porous media community. Under the action of the founders, the various presidents, and the increasing participation of the scientific in the fields, InterPore has already satisfied many of our expectations for a common virtual space where to exchange and discuss ideas, disseminate knowledge. The InterPore meetings have played an important role in this process. The creation of some national chapters has also started pointing toward a promising direction.

As President, I would be greatly honoured, and this would be a rewarding duty, to help the society to increase its momentum. InterPore is young, and, therefore, much has yet to be done to achieve its initial objectives. Development of new national (or regional) chapters is certainly something which I would support effectively, with to goal in mind to reach a larger coverage of all continents. One has also to think about how to deal with the scattering of the porous media scientists among other scientific communities, which have their own common instances: chemical engineering, petroleum engineering, nuclear engineering, hydrogeology, to name a few. This “scattering” is certainly a necessity, which should not be condemned, but it perhaps calls for improved cooperation between the various scientific organisms involved. Also, progress in the direction of the industrial world is probably still a challenge. These aspects certainly deserve a continued collective reflection and I would eagerly play my part in this.

My interest for porous media physics started 40 years ago with my PhD research. It has since continued with a general activity on modelling (multi-scale aspects, non-equilibrium, instabilities,…) that allowed me to work on various subjects. Indeed, I was allowed to work on many applications, involving different communities (petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, hydrogeologists, nuclear safety, biologists,…), which in turn offered me the opportunity to develop scientific contacts in many different places worldwide. InterPore members will have access to a short CV I will therefore not duplicate here. In addition to that, I would like to emphasize in particular my strong involvement with students: besides advising more than 60 PhD students and many postdocs, I have taught porous media physics in many institutions and also during many summer schools or dedicated courses for the industry, worldwide. My commitment to collective duties has always been part of my conception of the scientist activity: creation of a laboratory and two research teams, direction of a laboratory and two research networks (one in France, another in Central Africa based in Congo). I was also the head of the Scientific Council of the French Nuclear Safety Institute for 10 years (2004-2014). These multiple activities give me, probably, a cultural spectrum fitted for the objective of promoting InterPore development, to which I would enthusiastically contribute.

Curriculum Vitae

Directeur de Recherche (DR) CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT)

allée du Prof. C. Soula, 31400 Toulouse – France

Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 28 59 21

Fax: +33 (0) 5 34 32 29 93

Email: Michel.Quintard@imft.fr


Education and Professional Career

1971-1975 Ing. from Arts et Métiers (engineering and research graduate school – Grande Ecole – founded in 1780), Talence then Paris, France

1976-1979 PhD in Fluid Mechanics at University of Bordeaux, Talence, France (stability of non-autonomous system)

1983 “Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat”, Fluid Mechanics, University of Bordeaux 1, France

1979-1990 Chargé de Recherche CNRS at Lab. Mécanique Physique then Lab Energétique et Phénomènes de Transfert-ENSAM (Bordeaux), Talence, France

1990-1991 DR CNRS at University of California at Davis, Chal Engng Dept, Davis, CA, USA

1991-1998 DR CNRS at LEPT-ENSAM (Bordeaux), Talence, France

Since 1998 Directeur de Recherche CNRS at IMFT


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

1983-1998 Founder and Director during 8yrs of CNRS Lab LEPT-ENSAM (Bordeaux – F)

1994-2003 Chairman of a cluster of laboratories on “Complex Transport in Porous Media and Water Resources” in the framework of the “French National Programme on Hydrology”.

2004-2014 President of the Scientific Council of IRSN (French Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection Institute)

since 2007 President of IRSN Comité de Visite

1991 Founder of the Journées d’Etudes sur les Milieux Poreux (JEMP), the French manifestation of the porous media community

since 2009 Interpore member

since 2016 Chair of Interpore Honors & Awards Committee

since 2014 Chairman of the French Interpore Chapter

1991-2004 Edit. B. AWR

2006-2010 Ass. Editor WRR

2008-2012 Edit. B. The Open Transport Phenomena Journal

since 2010 Ass. Editor Journal of Porous Media and Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media-An International Journal

1998-2016 Member of Sc. Council of ICHMT (International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer)

1988-2006 SFT (Société Française des Thermiciens), President of section Porous Media, member Sc. Council

2008-2012 member CNRS National Committee

since 1976 member University National Council (84-85; 95-99; 03-07)

since 1976 More than 100 research contracts with companies (TOTAL, Saint-Gobain, Air Liquide, VEOLIA, SUEZ, FABRE, SNECMA, BURGEAP, …) and Institutions (IRSN, INERIS, CEA, IRSTEA, IFPen, ADEME), National and EU grants

since 1976 Member of various councils and committees of University, National Institutions (CNRS, CNU)

since 1976 Chairman of several Scientific Conferences: ICHMT Inter. Seminar, Dubrovnik, 1991; International Ground Water Symposium on “Ground Water Hydraulics in Complex Environments”, Toulouse, 2006; EUROTHERM 81 on Reactive Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Albi, 2007

Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

1984 Bronze Medal from CNRS

1994 Prize Coron-Thévenet from “Académie des Sciences de Paris”

2009 Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur / Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour

since 2012 Member of the Académie des Sciences, Insc. et Belles Lettres, Toulouse, France


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Guo J., Veran-Tissoires S., Quintard M. Effective surface and boundary conditions for heterogeneous surfaces with mixed boundary conditions. Journal of Computational Physics, 305: 942-963, 2016.
  2. [2] Guo J, Quintard M, Laouafa F. Dispersion in Porous Media with Heterogeneous Nonlinear Reactions. Transport in Porous Media, 1-30, 2015
  3. [3] Soulaine, C. & Quintard, M., On the use of a DarcyForchheimer like model for a macro-scale description of turbulence in porous media and its application to structured packings, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 74, 88 100, 2014.
  4. [4] Davarzani, H., Marcoux, M. and Quintard, M., Theoretical predictions of the effective thermodiffusion coefcients in porous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53, 15141528, 2010.
  5. [5] Cherblanc, F., Ahmadi, A., Quintard, M.. Two-Domain Description of Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Comparison Between Theoretical Predictions and Numerical Experiments, Advances in Water Resources, 30, 1127-1143, 2007.
  6. [6] Quintard, M., L. Bletzacker, D. Chenu, and S. Whitaker. Nonlinear, multicomponent, mass transport in porous media. Chemical Engineering Science 61:2643-2669, 2006.
  7. [7] Bousquet-Melou, P., Neculae, N., Goyeau, B., and Quintard, M., Averaged Solute Transport during Solidification of a Binary Mixture: Active Dispersion in Dendritic Structures, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B 33(3), 365-376, 2002.
  8. [8] Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R., Lasseux, D. and Quintard, M., Modelling of the dissolution in porous media at the Darcy-scale: On the ability of a Darcy-scale model to capture wormhole formation during the dissolution of a porous medium, J. Fluid Mechanics 457, 213-254, 2002.
  9. [9] Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S., Transport in Chemically and Mechanically Heterogeneous Porous Media I: Theoretical Development of Region Averaged Equations for Slightly Compressible Single-Phase Flow, Advances in Water Resources 19(1), 29-47. 1996
  10. [10] Quintard, M. et Whitaker, S., Transport in ordered and disordered porous media I: The cellular average and the use of weighting functions, Transport in Porous Media 14, 163-177, 1994.


Linda Abriola

University Professor and Director, Tufts Institute of the Environment

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA 02155

Tel.: +1-617-627-8685

Fax: ++1-617-627-3994

Email: Linda.Abriola@tufts.edu


Education and Professional Career

1973-76 BS in Civil Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

1976-78 Project Engineer, Procter and Gamble Mfg. Co., Staten Island, NY, USA

1978-79 MS in Civil Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

1979-83 PhD in Civil Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

1983-84 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

1984-2003 Asst, Assoc, and Full Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

1991 Visiting Ass Prof, Depart of Petroleum Eng, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, USA

1992 Visiting Scientist, Depart of Geotechnical Eng, Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña,  Barcelona, Spain

1996-2001 Director, Environmental and Water Resources Program, Univ of MI, Ann Arbor, USA

2001-2003 Horace Williams King Collegiate Prof of Environ Eng, Univ of MI, Ann Arbor, USA

2003-2015 Dean of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

2003-pres Prof of Civil and Environ. Eng., Tufts Univ, Medford, MA, USA

2003-pres Adjunct Prof of Chemical and Biological Eng, Tufts Univ, Medford, MA, USA

2015-pres University Professor, Tufts Univ, Medford, MA, USA

2016-pres Director, Tufts Institute of the Environment, Tufts Univ, Medford, MA, USA


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs (selected)

2016 – Board of Trustees, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

2015 Co-Chair, Committee of Visitors review of CBET Division, NSF, USA

2013 – Member, Division Comm on Eng and Phys Sciences, US National Academies

2011 – Chair, National Advisory Board, Executive Leadership in Academic Technologyand Engineering (ELATE), Drexel University

2011-13 Member, Integrated STEM Education Committee, US National Research Council

2010-13 Member, Engineering Directorate Advisory Committee, NSF, USA

2010-16 Member, Comm on Sci, Eng, and Public Policy, US National Academies

2009-11 Elected Member, Engineering Deans Council Exec Board, Amer Soc of Eng Education

2009 Member, New England Association of Schools and Colleges Visiting EvaluationTeam for Harvard University

2008-2014 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Engineering Education

2007-13 Elected Member, US National Academy of Eng Council (NAE governing Board)

2006 Member, Visiting Committee, Yale University, Faculty of Engineering

2004-07 Member, Comm on Gender Differences in Careers of Sci, Eng, and Math Faculty, US National Res Council

2002-06 Member, Union Fellows Committee, Chair (2004-06), AGU

2002 Organizing Comm, ModelCARE: Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic

2001-03 Member, DNAPL Source Zone Remediation Expert Panel, US EPA

2001 Organizing Comm, Intl Conf on Groundwater Quality GQ2001, Sheffield, England

2000-03 Deputy Editor, Water Resources Research

2000-02 Member, Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Res Advisory Comm, US DOE

2000 Organizing Comm, Intl Conf on Groundwater Res, GW2000, Copenhagen, Denmark

2000 Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Modeling Flow in Permeable Media


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions (selected)

2016 Named U.S. State Department Science Envoy

2016 Cullen College Elizabeth Rockwell Distinguished Lecture, University of Houston

2015 Chemical Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Utah

2015 Named University Professor, Tufts University

2013 Engineering Leader of the Year Award, Drexel University

2012, 2006 SERDP Environmental Restoration Project of the Year Award

2011 Annual Distinguished Ryckman Lecture, Washington University

2010 Listed in Encyclopedia of American Women of Science since 1900

2010 Charles & Mary O’ Melia Lecture in Environ Sci, Johns Hopkins University

2008 CESEP Distinguished Lecture, Colorado School of Mines

2006 Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

2006 Lichtenstein Distinguished Lecture, Ohio State University, 2006

2004 Distinguished Lecturer, Georgia Institute of Technology Lecture Series

2003 Elected to the National Academy of Engineering, 2003

2002 ISI Highly Cited Author in Ecology/Environment, 2002

2000 Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union

1998 College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Michigan

1996 Outstanding Educator Award, Association for Women Geoscientists

1996 Distinguished Darcy Lecturer, National Groundwater Association

1994 College of Engineering Research Excellence Award, The University of Michigan

1985 Recipient, National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Taghavy, A., A. Mittelman, Y. Wang, K. D. Pennell, and L. M. Abriola. Mathematical modeling of the transport and dissolution of citrate-stabilized silver nanoparticles in porous media. Environ Sci & Technol, 47:8499-8507, 2013.
  2. [2] Li, Y., Y. Wang, K. D. Pennell, and L. M. Abriola. Investigation of the transport and deposition of fullerene (C60) nanoparticles in quartz sands under varying flow conditions. Environ Sci & Technol, 10.1021/es801305y, 2008.
  3. [3] Christ, J. A. and L. M. Abriola. Modeling metabolic reductive dechlorination in dense non-aqueous phase liquid source-zones. Advances in Water Resources, 30(2007):1547-1561, 2007.
  4. [4] Christ, J. A., C. A. Ramsburg, K. D. Pennell, and L. M. Abriola. Estimating mass discharge from dense nonaqueous phase liquid source zones using upscaled mass transfer coefficients: An evaluation using multiphase numerical simulations. Water Resources Res doi:10.1029/2006WR004886, 2006.
  5. [5] Li, K.B., P. Goovaerts, and L. M. Abriola. A geostatistical approach for quantification of contaminant mass discharge uncertainty using multilevel sampler measurements. Water Resources Res, doi:10.1029/2006WR005427, 2007.
  6. [6] Pennell, K. D., G. A. Pope, and L. M. Abriola. Influence of viscous and buoyancy forces on the mobilization of residual tetrachloroethylene during surfactant flushing. Environ Sci & Technol, 30(4):1328-1335, 1996.
  7. [7] Rathfelder, K. and L. M. Abriola. Mass conservative numerical solutions of the head-based Richard’s equation. Water Resources Res, 30(9):2579-2586, 1994.
  8. [8] Abriola, L. M., T. J. Dekker, and K. D. Pennell. Surfactant enhanced solubilization of residual dodecane in soil columns: 2. Mathematical modelling, Environ Sci &Technol, 27(12):2341-2351, 1993.
  9. [9] Powers, S. E., L. M. Abriola, and W. J. Weber, Jr. An experimental investigation of NAPL dissolution in saturated subsurface systems: Steady-state mass transfer rates. Water Resources Res, 28(10):2691-2705, 1992.
  10. [10] Abriola, L. M. and G. F. Pinder. A Multiphase approach to the modeling of porous media contamination by organic compounds – Part I: Equation development. Water Resources Res, 21(1):11-18, 1985.


Steffen Berg

Senior Researcher

Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

Kesslerpark 1, 2288GS Rijswijk (Zh), The Netherlands

Tel.: +31-70-447 6161


Email: steffen.berg@shell.com


Education and Professional Career

1993-1998 Master degree materials science, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany

1998-1999 Internship at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA

1999-2002 Dr. rer. nat. in Physics at Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Johannes
Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

2003-2005 PostDoc in Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

Since 2005 Researcher at Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2012-2014 Chairman of the Dutch national chapter of InterporeInterPore

2014-2016 Chairman of the BeNeLux chapter of InterPpore

2013-2016 Member of the Interpore InterPore Council,

2016- Chairman of the Interpore InterPore Council

2014-2016 Technical Editor for SPE Journal and SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering

2013-2016 Member of the technical committee of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA)

2005-2016 memberships in societies (InterPore, SCA, SPE, APS, DPG)

2015-2016 member of the GRC Flow and Transport in Porous Media organizing committee

2016-2017 Member of the InterPpore 2017 conference organizing committee

2012- Reviewer for PNAS, GRL, Langmuir, JCIS, ColSurfA, AWR, CEC, TIPM …


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

1997 Stipend of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

2003 APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Winning Contribution

2005 Emmy Noether stipend of the German Research Council (DFG) but did not accept

2009 Society of Core Analysts best paper award

2012 Society of Core Analysts best poster award

2014 Interpore InterPore Rosette

2014 Society of Core Analysts best paper award

2015 Best paper award EAGE IOR/EOR conference

2015 SPE Journal outstanding technical editor

2016 SPE Journal / SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering outstanding technical editor


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] S. Berg et al. Real-time 3D imaging of Haines jumps in porous media flow, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 110 (10), 3755-3759, 2013.
  2. [2] S. Berg, S. Oedai, H. Ott, Displacement and mass transfer between saturated and unsaturated CO2-brine systems in sandstone, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12, 478-492, 2013.
  3. [3] Direct experimental evidence of wettability modification by low salinity, Petrophysics 51(5), 314-322, 2010.
  4. [4] S. Berg et al., Miscible displacement of oils by carbon disulphide in porous media: Experiments and analysis, Physics of Fluids 22, 113102, 2010.
  5. [5] R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, D. Klemin, S. Berg, Pore-scale mobilization of non-wetting phase ganglia and critical capillary number for onset of macroscopic capillary de-saturation, Geophysical Research Letters 41, 1-6, 2014.
  6. [6] R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg, Interfacial velocities and capillary pressure gradients during Haines jumps, Physical Review E 88(4), 043010, 2013.
  7. [7] H. Mahani, S. Berg, D. Ilic, W.-B. Bartels, V. Joekar-Niasar, Kinetics of low-salinity flooding effect, SPE journal 20(01), 8-20, 2015.
  8. [8] M. Rücker, S. Berg et al., From connected pathway flow to ganglion dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters 42(10), 3888-3894, 2014.
  9. [9] J. Schmatz, J. L. Urai, S. Berg, H. Ott, Nanoscale imaging of pore-scale fluid-fluid-solid contacts in sandstone, Geophysical Research Letters 42(7), 2189-2195, 2015.
  10. [10] S. Berg, Marangoni-driven spreading at liquid-liquid interfaces, Physics of Fluids 21(3), 032105, 2009.

Veerle Cnudde

Associate professor

Ghent University, Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department

Pore-scale Processes in Geomaterials Research group (PProGRess, http://www.pprogress.ugent.be/) + Centre for X-ray Tomography (UGCT, www.ugct.ugent.be)

Krijgslaan 281/S8, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

Tel.: ++32 9 2644580

Email: veerle.cnudde@ugent.be

Education and Professional Career

1997-1999 Bachelor in Geology, Dept. of Geology, Ghent University/ Belgium

1999-2001 Master in Geology, option Minerals and Geo-materials; Dept. of Geology, Ghent University/ Belgium

2001-2005 PhD in Science: Geology; Exploring the potential of X-ray tomography as a new non-destructive research tool in conservation studies of natural building stones. Dept. of Geology and Soil Science, Ghent University/ Belgium

2006-2010 Post-doc in Physics and Geology department, Ghent University

2008 Co-Founder spin-off Inside Matters (Belgium)

2010-2015 Assistant research professor at Dept. of Geology, Ghent University/ Belgium

1/2/2015 Associate professor at the Dept. of Geology, Ghent University/ Belgium


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2010 Co-organiser seminar “X-ray tomography as a multidisciplinary research tool/75 participant/ Belgium

From 2010 Member IUGS/IAEG Heritage Stone Task Group

From 2010 Member of IAEG C10

From 2010 Member of Geologica Belgica, Belgium,

From 2010 Member of BLUG-UBLG, Belgium Luxembourg,

From 2010 Member of EMAS: European Microbeam Analysis Society

From 2010 Coordinator Pore-scale Processes in Geomaterials Research group, PProGRess,

From 2010 Member of steering group of consortia DuraBuildmaterials & HybridCT/UGent/Belgium

From 2010 Co-coordinator Centre for X-ray Tomography, Ghent University

2010-2016 Member of the Board of Examiners of more than 15 PhD students

2011 Co-organiser “CT workshop on non-medical applications”, Canada

2011 Co-organiser “CT session” IAMG Salzburg, Austria

2011 Member of the jury of internationally-acclaimed experts: “Equipment of excellence”, FNRA, France

2012 Member of the Advisory board for the Czech Science Foundation.

2012 Co-organiser 4rd Flemish-Dutch natural stone day, The Netherlands

From 2012 Member of Proposal Review Committee of the Swiss Synchrotron, Switzerland

2012-2014 Member of the Advisory board for the promotion of the scientific personnel at . ANU, College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences/Australia

2010 –2016 Review for more than 25 several International Scientific journals

From 2014 Subsidiary member bèta workgroup of Research Council, Ghent University.

From 2014 Elected Faculty member, Ghent University/ Faculty of Sciences/ Belgium

2014 -2015 Member of Diversity team of the faculty/Ghent University/

From 2014 Member of InterPore

From 2015 Co-Chair InterPore BeNeLux

2011 – 2016 Member of 5 Search Committees for open position of Lecturers, UGent

2010-2015 Member of Self-Healing Steering and Program Management Committee of SIM: Strategic Initiative Materials/Belgium

2013 Organiser 1st ICTMS, 2013, Belgium

2013 local co-organiser “Int. Conf. on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM)”, Belgium

2014 Co-organiser 5th Flemish-Dutch natural stone day/ 140 participants/ Belgium

2015 Member of Int. Scientific committee OPTIMESS2015, Belgium, April 2015.

2015 Member of the local and scientific organizing committee of the 14th ICS of the Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISS) in Luik, Belgium, July 2015.

2015 Co-organiser Mini-symposium 1.7: Pore Scale Processes and Upscaling of Flow and Transport at InterPore/Italy


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2010 Selected as Tenure track research assistant professor: Faculty of Sciences/ Dept. of Geology and Soil Science, Ghent University/Belgium

2007 – 2010 Post-doc funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)/Belgium

2006 – 2007 Post-doc funded by Special Research Fund of Ghent University

2002 –2005 Ph.D. scholarship funded by the government agency for Innovation by Science and Technology/Belgium

2001 Ph.D. scholarship funded by Special Research Fund of Ghent University


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Cnudde, V., et al., 2004. X-ray-CT used for the localisation of water repellents & consolidants inside natural building stones. Materials Char. 53, 259-271.
  2. [2] Cnudde, V., et al., 2008. High-speed neutron radiography for monitoring the water absorption by capillarity in porous materials. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam interactions with materials and atoms 266(1):155-163.
  3. [3] Cnudde, V., et al., 2009. Porosity and microstructure characterization of building stones and concretes. Engineering Geology, 103(3-4):79-83.
  4. [4] Cnudde, V., et al., 2011. High-resolution X-ray CT for 3D petrography of ferruginous sandstone for an investigation of building stone decay. Microscopy Research and Technique, 74: n/a. doi: 10.1002/jemt.
  5. [5] Cnudde, V., et al., 2013. Multi-disciplinary characterisation and monitoring of the Kandla grey under different external conditions. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 46(1):95-106.
  6. [6] Cnudde, V., Boone, M., 2013. “High-resolution X-ray computed tomography in geosciences: a review of the current technology and applications.” Earth-science reviews, 123: 1-17. SCI-IF (2013): 7.135.
  7. [7] Boone, M., Nielsen, P., De Kock, T., Boone, M., Quaghebeur, M., Cnudde, V., 2014. Monitoring of stainless steel slag carbonation using X-ray computed microtomography. Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es402767q. SCI-IF(2014): 5,33.
  8. [8] De Boever, W., Derluyn, H., Van Loo, D., Van Hoorebeke, L., Cnudde, V., 2015. “Data-fusion of high resolution X-ray CT, SEM and EDS for 3D and pseudo-3D chemical and structural characterization of sandstone.” MICRON 74: 15-21. SCI-IF (2014): 1.988.
  9. [9] Bultreys, T., Van Hoorebeke, L., Cnudde, V., 2015. “Multi-scale, micro-computed tomography based pore network models to simulate drainage in heterogeneous rocks.” Advances in Water Resources 78: 36-49. SCI-IF (2014): 3.417.
  10. [10] Bultreys, T., De Boever, W., Cnudde, V., 2016. “Imaging and image-based fluid transport modeling at the pore scale in geological materials: A practical introduction to the current state-of-the-art.” Earth Science Reviews 155: 73-128 SCI-IF (2014): 7.885.

Fabrice Golfier

Associate Professor

Université de Lorraine (ENSG Engineering School) – GeoRessources Laboratory

Site Brabois (Bâtiment E) – 54518 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, France

Tel.: +33-3-83596344

Fax: +33-3-83596300

Email: fabrice.golfier@ensg.univ-lorraine.fr


Education and Professional Career

1994-1997 Engineer diploma, graduated from the Matmeca Engineering school, Université de Bordeaux I, France.

1998-2001 PhD studies in Fluid mechanics at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.

2011 Obtention of the HDR diploma (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches) from the Université de Lorraine.


2002-2003 Research Assistant at the Oregon State University (OSU), Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon, United States.

2003-2004 Research Engineer position at the Albi School of Mines, Department of Energy and Environment, Albi, France.

Since 2004 Associate Professor at the Université de Lorraine, High Engineering School of Geology (ENSG), Nancy, France.


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

Since 2009 Member of the Scientific Board of the LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) “Ressources21”, as part of the French funding program “Investments of the Future”.

Since 2012 Elected member of the Scientific Council and the Academic Senate of the Université de Lorraine, France.

Since 2012 Co-head of the scientific research team “Multi-scale Hydrogeomechanics” at the GeoRessources Laboratory, Université de Lorraine, France.

Since 2015 Member of the Steering Committee and associate treasurer of the French Interpore Chapter (FIC), the french section of the International Society for Porous Media InterPore.

Since 2011 Member of the InterPore Society.


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2001 Best PhD Thesis Award from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] M. Faivre, B. Paul, F. Golfier, R. Giot, P. Massin, and D. Columbo, 2D coupled HM-XFEM modeling with cohesive zone model and applications to fluid-driven fracture network. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 159, 115-143, 2016.
  2. [2] F. Golfier, D. Lasseux, and M Quintard. Investigation of the Effective Permeability of Vuggy or Fractured Porous Media from a Darcy Brinkman Approach. Computational Geosciences, 19(1), 63-78, 2015.
  3. [3] T. Kone, F. Golfier, L. Orgogozo, C. Oltéan, E. Lefevre, J.C. Block and M.A. Buès, Impact of Biofilm-Induced Heterogeneities on Solute Transport in Porous Media. Water Resources Research, 50, 9103–9119, 2014.
  4. [4] L. Orgogozo, F. Golfier, M.A. Buès, M. Quintard and T. Kone. A dual-porosity theory for solute transport in biofilm-coated porous media. Advances in Water Resources – special issue in honor of Stephen Whitaker, 62(Part B), 266-279, 2013.
  5. [5] A. Ebigbo, F. Golfier and M. Quintard. A coupled, pore-scale model for methanogenic microbial activity in underground hydrogen storage. Advances in Water Resources, 61, 74-85, 2013.
  6. [6] C. Oltéan, F. Golfier and M;A. Buès. Numerical and experimental investigation of buoyancy-driven dissolution in vertical fracture, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(5), 2038–2048, 2013.
  7. [7] F. Golfier, B. Wood and M. Quintard. Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in weakly heterogeneous bimodal porous medium. Advances in Water Resources, 34(7), 899-914, 2011.
  8. [8] F. Golfier, B. Wood, L. Orgogozo, M. Quintard and M.A. Buès. Biofilms in Porous Media: Development of Macroscopic Transport Equations via Volume Averaging with Closure for Local Mass Equilibrium Conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 32(3), 463-485, 2009.
  9. [9] F. Golfier, M. Quintard, F. Cherblanc, B. Zinn and B. Wood. Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in highly heterogeneous porous medium. Advances in Water Resources, 30(11), 2235-2261, 2007.
  10. [10] F. Golfier, C. Zarcone, B. Bazin, R. Lenormand, D. Lasseux and M. Quintard. Modelling of the dissolution in porous media at the Darcy-scale: On the ability of a Darcy-scale model to capture wormhole formation during the dissolution of a porous medium. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 457, 213-254, 2002.

Roozbeeh Khosrokhavar

Research Associate and Project coordinator

Delft university of Technology

Address: TU Delft / Department of Geoscience & Engineering Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft POB 5028, 2600 GA, Delft, The Netherlands

Tel.: +31152781365

Email: r.khosrokhavar@tudelft.nl


Education and Professional Career

1997-2001 BSc in chemical Engineering (with Honour) at Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

2001-2004 MSc in Chemical Engineering Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

2010-2014 PhD in petroleum at TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands.

2015-2016 Researcher at TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands

2016 Research Associate and Project coordinator, Senior Business Developer



Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2000-2001 General secretary for student council at Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

2003-2009 Trusted board member at Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

2005-2009 Member of board in private companies

2012-2014 Vice President of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at TU Delft

2013-2014 Assistant Editor for ESR Journal (Energy Strategy Review)

2015-now Vice President of InterPore in Iran

2015-now Member of steering committee at TU Delft for joint scientific collaboration (GEL LAB)

2015-now Head of the international affairs in DBUII( EU based consortium for EOR/IOR)

2016-now General secretary for Tehran polytechnic Alumni in EU countries

2017 Chair of executive committee for InterPore IOR/EOR Conference in Tehran


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2011 Best poster award at yearly scientific meetings, at TU Delft

2012 Second student team in world cup competition in EAGE-SPE Conference-Copenhagen

2013 Recognized as the best research proposal in the European University collaboration group NUPUS

2015 Nominated for the best paper award at yearly scientific meetings, at TU Delft

2015 Best PhD thesis awarded by Springer


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Mechanisms for CO2 Sequestration in Geological Formations and Enhanced Gas Recovery, published book in Springer, http://www.springer.com/in/book/9783319230863
  2. [2] Khosrokhavar, Roozbeh, et al. “Visualization and investigation of natural convection flow of CO2 in aqueous and oleic systems.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering122 (2014): 230-239..
  3. [3] Khosrokhavar, Roozbeh, et al. “Sorption of CH 4 and CO 2 on a carboniferous shale from Belgium using a manometric setup.” International Journal of Coal Geology128 (2014): 153-161.
  4. [4] Khosrokhavar, Roozbeh, et al. “Shale gas formations and their potential for carbon storage: opportunities and outlook.” Environmental Processes1.4 (2014): 595-611.

Vahid Niasar

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Petroleum Engineering

University of Manchester

Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Tel.: +44-161-3064867

Email: vahid.niasar@manchester.ac.uk


Education and Professional Career

1996-2000 BSc, Civil Engineering, KNT University, Tehran, Iran

2000-2003 MSc, Civil-Environmental Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2000-2005 SCE consulting engineers, Tehran, Iran

2006-2010 PhD, Environmental Hydrogeology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

2010-2011 Postdoc, Environmental Hydrogeology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

2011-2014 Research Reservoir Engineer, Shell, Rijswijk, the Netherlands

Since 2014 Assistant Professor, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

Since 2015 Founder and Chair of InterPore UK Chapter

Since 2014 External reviewer of the Czech Science Foundation

Since 2006 Chartered Civil Engineer, Iran

Since 2008 InterPore member

2016-2017 PI in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK

2011-2014 SPE member

2012-2014 InterPore Publicity Committees


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2016 Invited speaker at Gordon Conference, Spain

2016 Invited speaker at InterPore Conference, USA

2014 Founder and lead of Integrated Multiscale Porous Media Research (IMPRES) Group, University of Manchester

2012 Shell Recognition Award

2011 Research visit grant awarded by Princeton University, group of Prof. M.A. Celia

2011 Young Researcher InterPore-Fraunhofer Award

2010 Invited visit to the Institut Français du Pétrole

2010 PhD Cum Laude graduation

2010 Student Congress Scholarship, XVIII CMWR, Spain, June 21-24, 2010

2007 Research visit grant awarded by University of Bergen, Prof. Helge Dahle

2006 Full 4-year PhD grant from CICAT Delft University of Technology

2003 MSc thesis prize, awarded by the ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Iran.


Most important Publications (maximum 10)


Citations: 781, h-index: 15, i10-index: 18 [reference: google scholar]


  1. [1] Joekar-Niasar, V; Hassanizadeh, SM and Leijnse, A; Insights into the relationships among capillary pressure, saturation, interfacial area and relative permeability using pore-network modelling, Transport in Porous Media, 74, 201-219, 2008.
  2. [2] Joekar-Niasar, V; Hassanizadeh, SM; Pyrak-Nolte, LJ and Berentsen, C; Simulating drainage and imbibition experiments in a highporosity micromodel using an unstructured pore network model, Water resources research, 45, W02430, 2009.
  3. [3] Joekar-Niasar, V; Hassanizadeh, S Majid; Dahle, HK; Non-equilibrium effects in capillarity and interfacial area in two-phase flow: dynamic pore-network modelling, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 655, 38-71, 2010.
  4. [4] JoekarNiasar, V; Prodanović, M; Wildenschild, D; Hassanizadeh, SM; Network model investigation of interfacial area, capillary pressure and saturation relationships in granular porous media, Water Resources Research, 46, W06526, 2010.
  5. [5] Joekar-Niasar, Vahid; Hassanizadeh, S Majid; Effect of fluids properties on non-equilibrium capillarity effects: Dynamic pore-network modeling, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37, 198-214, 2011.
  6. [6] Joekar-Niasar, V; Hassanizadeh, SM; Specific interfacial area: The missing state variable in twophase flow equations? Water Resources Research, 47, W05513, 2011.
  7. [7] Joekar-Niasar, Vahid; Hassanizadeh, S Majid; Uniqueness of Specific Interfacial Area–Capillary Pressure–Saturation Relationship Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions in Two-Phase Porous Media Flow, Transport in porous media, 94, 465-486, 2012.
  8. [8] JoekarNiasar, V; Doster, F; Armstrong, RT; Wildenschild, D; Celia, MA; Trapping and hysteresis in twophase flow in porous media: A porenetwork study, Water Resources Research, 49(7), 4244-4256.
  9. [9] Mahani, Hassan; Berg, Steffen; Ilic, Denis; Bartels, Willem-Bart; Joekar-Niasar, Vahid; Kinetics of low-salinity-flooding effect, SPE Journal, 20 (01), 8-20, 2015.
  10. [10] Karadimitriou, Nikolaos K; Joekar-Niasar, Vahid; Babaei, Masoud; Shore, Craig A; Critical Role of the Immobile Zone in Non-Fickian Two-Phase Transport: A New Paradigm, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(8), 4384-4392, 2016.

Benoit Noetinger

Senior expert @ IFPEN

1-4 avenue de Bois Préau 92852 Rueil Malmaison Franc

Tel.: +33617185989

Email: benoit.noetinger@ifpen.fr


Education and Professional Career

1986 Master at Université Paris VI “Liquid State Physics” awarded in 1986

1985 Registered engineer (Graduated) from Ecole Polytechnique

1989 PhD thesis l’Université Paris VI: “Sédimentation et transport de particules en un Fluide Visqueux”. Advisor: Prof. E. E. Guyon

Since 1989 Researcher at IFP (now IFPEN)

2000 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université Paris VI. “Ecoulements en milieux poreux hétérogènes et fracturés en régimes permanents et transitoires.” Comittee: J. Cushman, Purdue University; P. Davy, Geosciences Rennes; F. Delay, Univ. Poitiers; P.G. de Gennes, Collège de France; J.P. Hulin, univ Orsay; G. de Marsily, Paris 6, M. Quintard, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse.


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2000-2016 Part time professor at university of Pau and Pays de l’Adour

2010-2016 Part time professor at Centralesupelec

2000-2016 editorial board for TiPM

1990-2016 membership in SPE

2012-2016 membership in InterPore

2015-2016 Founding Member of the French Interpore Chapter

Other: Member of scientific committees at several conferences, reviewer for TiPM, J Comp Phys, JPST, OGST etc.


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2005&2010 Invited speaker at Cargèse summer school: Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media: Development, Protection, Management and Sequestration of Subsurface Fluid

2009&2012 Invited speaker at Workshops in Laramie UW.


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Noetinger, B., Roubinet, D., Russian, A., Le Borgne, T., Delay, F., Dentz, M., … & Gouze, P. (2016). Random Walk Methods for Modeling Hydrodynamic Transport in Porous and Fractured Media from Pore to Reservoir Scale. Transport in Porous Media, 1-41.
  2. [2] B. Noetinger, N. Jarrige A quasi steady state method for solving transient Darcy flow in complex 3D fractured networks, Journal of Computational Physics 231(1), 10.1016/j.jcp.2011.08.015.
  3. [3] Botan, A., Marry, V., Rotenberg, B., Turq, P., & Noetinger, B. (2013). How Electrostatics Influences Hydrodynamic Boundary Conditions: Poiseuille and Electro-osmostic Flows in Clay Nanopores. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(2), 978-985.
  4. [4] Botan, A., Rotenberg, B., Marry, V., Turq, P., & Noetinger, B. (2011). Hydrodynamics in clay nanopores. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(32), 16109-16115.
  5. [5] Noetinger, B., Artuns, V. and Ricard, L. (2004). Dynamics of the Water Oil Front for Two-Phase, Immiscible Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. 2 Isotropic Media. Transport in Porous Media, 56, 305-328.
  6. [6] Le Ravalec, M., Noetinger, B. and Hu, L.Y (2000). The FFT moving average (FFT-MA) method: an efficient tool for generating and conditioning Gaussian simulations. Math. Geol. 32(6).
  7. [7] LANDEREAU P, NŒTINGER B., QUINTARD, M, Quasi steady two Equation Models for Transport in Fractured Porous Media: Large scale properties for densely Fractured Systems Advance in Water Resources 24 (8) (2001) pp. 863-876.
  8. [8] NŒTINGER B., ESTEBENET T. Up scaling of fractured media using continuous-time random walks methods. Transport in Porous Media 39 315-337, 2000.
  9. [9] ROMEU R.K., NŒTINGER B, Calculation of internodal transmissibilities in finite-difference models of flow in heteregeneous media. Water Resources Research; Vol. 31, N4, 943-959, April 1995.
  10. [10] NŒTINGER B. The effective permeability of a heterogeneous porous medium, Transport in Porous Media 15: 99-127, 1994.

Andrea Peri

Principal Scientist

Procter & Gamble

Sulzbacher Str. 40, 65824 Schwalbach am Taunus

Tel.: +49-6196-893813

Email: peri.a@pg.com


Education and Professional Career

1993-1998 Degree in Agricultural Sciences with Honors – ITAS Bocchialini, Parma (Italy)

1998-2003 MS in Chemistry with Honors – Parma University, Parma (Italy)

1999-2000 Webmaster – self employed

2002 “11th school of parallel computation” – CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)

2002-2003 Web Application Programmer – It consulting, Parma (Italy)

2004-2008 Scientist – P&G Italy

2008-2011 Senior Scientist – P&G Italy

2010 “Upscaling and Modeling of Reactive Transport in Partially-Saturated Porous Media” – Utrecht University, Utrecht (the Netherlands)

2011-2015 Senior Scientist – P&G Germany

Since 2015 Principal Scientist – P&G Germany


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

Since 2010 Member of  InterPore

2011-2012 Member of Interpore Publicity Committee

Since 2016 Member of Interpore Honors and Awards Committee


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2014 CEO Award (P&G)

2014 Baby Care STO Modeling Leadership Awards (P&G)

2010 Gold Power of you Award (P&G) – for granted proposal of Life + EU project

2007 Platinum Power of You Award (P&G) – for Organizational Contribution

2000 Best students – Prize from ITAS Bocchialini & “Cassa di Risparmio Parma” bank.


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Z.G.Soos, S.A.Bewick, A.Peri, A.Painelli. Dielectric response of modified Hubbard models with neutral-ionic and Peierls transitions. J.Chem.Phys., 120, 6712
  2. [2] US8962911B2 – Absorbent articles with improved absorption properties.
  3. [3] US8921641B2 – Absorbent articles with improved absorption properties
  4. [4] US8969651B2 – Absorbent core
  5. [5] US7869964B2 – Method for evaluation of absorption behaviour of absorbent articles.
  6. [6] US2012318046A1 – Method for determining properties of superabsorbent polymer particles and of absorbent structures containing such particle
  7. [7] US2013018348A1 – Absorbent core
  8. [8] US2015080821A1 – Absorbent cores having material free areas
  9. [9] US2015173979A1 – Absorbent pads comprising zones of differential absorbent capacity
  10. [10] US2015173978A1 – Absorbent pads comprising zones of differential absorbent capacity
  11. [11] US2015173959A1 – Absorbent pads comprising zones of differential absorbent capacity

Nima Shokri

Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

The University of Manchester

Sackville Street, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Tel.: +44 -161-3063980

Email: nima.shokri@manchester.ac.uk


Education and Professional Career

1999-2003 B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2004-2006 M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2006-2009 Ph.D., Mechanics of solids and fluids, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland                                                  

2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral research, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland

2010 – 2012 Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, USA

2013 – 2016 Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Since 2016 Senior Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

Since 2016 Associate Editor of Advances in Water Resources

Since 2015 Associate Editor of Transport in Porous Media

Since 2015 Member of the Soil Physics and Hydrology Executive Committee of the Soil Science Society of America

Since 2015 Member of the Early Career Award Committee of the Soil Science Society of America

Since 2015 Steering committee member of InterPore UK Chapter

Since 2015 Member of the Research Board in the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK

Since 2014 Associate Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)

Since 2010 Convener and chair of more than 15 scientific sessions in various international conferences such as AGU and Interpore

Since 2015 Scientific and organising committee member of 2 UK InterPore Annual Meeting held in Edinburgh and Loughborough (UK)

2014 – 2015 Guest Editor for Transport in Porous Media

2013 – 2015 Associate Editor for Journal of Porous Media

2013 – 2015 Associate Editor for Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media

2011 – 2014 Member of the Advisory Committee on Investigator’s Conflicts of Interest, Boston University, 2011-2014

2010 – 2012 Member of the American Geophysical Union’s Technical Committee


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2016 Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, Girona, Spain

2015 Soil Physics and Hydrology Early Career Award from Soil Science Society of America

2015 Fellow of The Higher Education Academy

2008 Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union

2007 Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union

2007 ENAC Best Doctoral Poster Award, EPFL, Switzerland

Since 2013 Graduated 3 PhD students, supervised 2 Post-doctoral researchers, currently supervising 8 PhD students (as the main supervisor)


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

Published>40 peer-reviewed journal papers (cited >700, H-index 15 in October 2016).

*Indicates the corresponding author

  1. [1] Bergstad, M., N. Shokri* (2016), Evaporation of NaCl solution from porous media with mixed wettability, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 4426-4432.
  2. [2] Osei-Bonsu, K., N. Shokri*, P. Grassia (2016), Fundamental investigation of foam flow in a liquid-filled Hele-Shaw cell, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 462, 288-296.
  3. [3] Rodríguez de Castro, A., M. Oostrom, N. Shokri* (2016), Effects of shear-thinning Fluids on residual oil formation in microfluidic pore networks, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 472, 34-43.
  4. [4] Osei-Bonsu, K., N. Shokri*, P. Grassia (2015), Surfactant dependent foam stability in the presence and absence of hydrocarbons: From bubble- to bulk-scale, Colloid Surface A: : Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 481, 514–526.
  5. [5] Norouzi Rad, M., N. Shokri* (2014), Effects of grain angularity on NaCl precipitation in porous media during evaporation, Water Resour. Res., 50, 9020-9030.
  6. [6] Grassia, P., E. Mas-Hernandez, N. Shokri, S.J. Cox, G. Mishuris, W.R. Rossen (2014), Analysis of a Model for foam improved oil recovery, J. Fluid Mech., 751, 346-405.
  7. [7] DeCarlo, K.F., N. Shokri* (2014), Salinity effects on cracking morphology and dynamics in 3-D desiccating clays, Water Resour. Res., 50, 3052-3072.
  8. [8] Shokri*, N. (2014), Pore-scale dynamics of salt transport and distribution in drying porous media, Phys. Fluids, 26, 012106.
  9. [9] Rashidi, S., A. Tamayol, M.S. Valipour, N. Shokri* (2013), Fluid flow and forced convection heat transfer around a solid cylinder wrapped with a porous ring, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 63, 91-100.
  10. [10] Shokri*, N., M. Sahimi (2012), The structure of drying fronts in three-dimensional porous media, Phys. Rev. E 85, 066312.

Jonas Toelke

Senior Manager Product Development


3733 Westheimer Rd.

Houston TX 77027

Tel.: +1 713 993 9795 ext. 1012

Fax: ++1 713 993 9918

Email: toelke@ingrainrocks.com




Born in Munich, Germany

1977 – 1990

Education at primary and high school in Munich

11/1990 – 05/1995

Studies of civil engineering at the “Technische Universität” in Munich


Dipl.-Ing. (masters) in civil engineering, TU Munich


Dr.-Ing. (PhD in engineering), TU Munich


Venia Legendi for „Computational Engineering in Fluids Mechanics“, Habilitation thesis, Modellierung von Transportproblemen mit kinetischen Methoden, TU Braunschweig

Professional Career

06/1995 – 10/2001

Wissenschaftlicher Assistent C1 at the institute of computer science in civil engineering at the Technische Universität München, Germany (headed by Prof. E. Rank)

11/2001 – 04/2009

Akademischer Rat A13 at the institute for computational modeling in civil engineering at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany (headed by Prof. M. Krafczyk),
Head of the group software development

05/2009 – 07/2009

Director Research Software Engineering, Exa Corp.,
Burlington, MA, USA


Chief Computational Software Development, Ingrain Inc.,
Houston, TX, USA

Since 05/2012

Head of the development team, Ingrain Inc., Houston, TX, USA



Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2010 Reviewer for a candidate for the position „Professorship for computer sciences and programming“, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden.

2008-2009 Principal Investigator for project “Pore scale simulation of energy and mass flux in 3d unsaturated porous media”. This project was part of the international research unit “Multi-Scale Interfaces in Unsaturated Soil (MUSIS): Towards quantitative prediction of terrestrial mass and energy fluxes” and was funded by the German research foundation (DFG). Its aim was to improve the prediction of energy and mass transfer in soils for multiphase systems on the pore scale by Lattice Boltzmann simulations on massively parallel high performance computing hardware.


2009 Reviewer for the habilitation thesis Une variation sur les propriétés magiques de modèles de Boltzmann pour l’écoulement microscopique et macroscopique by I. Ginzburg, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.

2007 Member of the evaluation committee for the candidates for the position Associate Professor in Energy and Process engineering (Fluids Engineering) at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.

2006 Member of the PHD Degree – Evaluation Committee for Maria Fernandino. Title of the work: Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Turbulence Structure in Stratified Horizontal Air-Water Duct Flow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of engineering Science and Technology, Trondheim.

Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2008 Second place at the European CUDA challenge: The CUDA challenge was launched to find Europe’s most innovative graphics processing unit (GPU) programmers. The interactive digital wind tunnel FLOWSIM for fluid flow simulation submitted by Jan Linxweiler and Jonas Toelke has been select for second place due to its excellent speed-up when run on the GPU, as well as showing off the high quality of the work which went into creating the application.


Most important Publications


  1. J. Toelke, M. Krafczyk, M. Schulz, E. Rank: Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of binary fluid flow through porous media, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering sciences, 360 (1792): 535-545 (2002).
  2. H.-J. Vogel, J. Toelke, V. P. Schulz, M. Krafczyk, K. Roth: Comparison of a Lattice-Boltzmann model, a full-morphology model, and a pore network model for determining capillary pressure-saturation relationships, Vadose Zone Journal, 4 (2): 380–388 (2005)
  3. S. Geller, M. Krafczyk, J. Toelke, S. Turek, J. Hron: Benchmark computations based on Lattice-Boltzmann, Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods for laminar Flows,
    Computers & Fluids, Volume 35(8-9): 888-897 (2006).
  4. B. Ahrenholz, J. Toelke, P. Lehmann, A. Peters, A. Kaestner, M. Krafczyk and W. Durner:
    Prediction of capillary hysteresis in porous material using lattice Boltzmann methods and comparision to experimental data and a morphological pore network model, Advances in Water Resources, 31: 1151–1173 (2008)
  5. P. Lehmann, M. Berchtold, B. Ahrenholz, J. Toelke, A. Kaestner, M. Krafczyk, H. Flühler, H.R. Künsch: Impact of geometrical properties on permeability and fluid phase distribution in porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 31: 1188–1204 (2008)
  6. A. Papafotiou, R. Helmig, J. Schaap, P. Lehmann, A. Kaestner, H. Flühler, I. Neuweiler, R. Hassanein, B. Ahrenholz, J. Toelke, A. Peters, W. Durner: From the pore scale to the lab scale: 3D lab experiment and numerical simulation of drainage in heterogeneous porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 31: 1253–1268 (2008)
  7. J. Toelke and M. Krafczyk: TeraFLOP Computing on a Desktop PC with GPUs for 3D CFD, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22(7): 443-456 (2008)
  8. Toelke, J., De Prisco, G. and Mu, Y., 2013. A lattice Boltzmann method for immiscible two-phase Stokes flow with a local collision operator. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 65(6), pp.864-881.
  9. Nie, X., Gundepalli, V., Mu, Y., Sungkorn, R. and Toelke, J., 2016. Numerical investigation of oil-water drainage and imbibition in digitized sandstones. Mechanics & Industry, 17(2), p.202.
  10. Mu, Y., Sungkorn, R. and Toelke, J., 2016. Identifying the representative flow unit for capillary dominated two-phase flow in porous media using morphology-based pore-scale modeling. Advances in Water Resources, Volume 95, September 2016, Pages 16–28.

Yangsheng Zhao

The Cheung Kong Scholar Professor at Taiyuan University of Technology

Director of the In Situ Modified property for Mining resources Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education

Taiyuan University of Technology

18 Xinkuangyuan Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, P. R. China

Tel: +86-351-6014865

Fax: + 86-351-6014865

Email: Zhaoyangsheng@tyut.edu.cn


Education and Professional Career

1978-1982 BS degree studied in subject of engineering mechanics at Taiyuan university of Technology, Taiyuan, P. R. China

1983-1986 MS degree studies in subject mining engineering at Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology ,Fuxin, P. R. China

1989-1992 PhD studies in subject of rock mechanics and rock engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, P. R. China

1986-today Professor of mining engineering at Taiyuan University of Technology


Commitment, Appointments and Scientific Volunteer Jobs

2016 Member of international Society for porous media

1990-today Board Member of international Society for Rock Mechanics

1986-today Board Member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME),

1998-today Executive Board Member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), and the President of the Shanxi Province of Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering

1999-today Editorial Board Member of the Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering


Professional Awards, Offers and Recognitions

2014 as the first recipient of prize of Chinese National Science and Technology Progress Award for his outstanding work mining coal seam gas

2005 as the first recipient of Prize of Chinese National Science and Technology Progress Award for his outstanding work on mining salt

1999 employed the Cheung Kong Scholar Professor by China’s ministry of education


Most important Publications (maximum 10)

(Peer reviewed journal articles / books / patents)

  1. [1] Yangsheng Zhao, Dong Yang, Zhonghua Liu, Zengchao Feng, Weiguo Liang, Problems of Evolving Porous Media and Dissolved Glauberite Microscopic Analysis by Micro-computed Tomography —-Evolving Porous Media(1),Transport in porous media,107(2)(2015):365-385
  2. [2] Yangsheng Zhao, Fang Qu, Zhijun Wan, Yuan Zhang, Experimental investigation on correlation between permeability variation and pore structure during coal pyrolysis, Transport in Porous Media,82(2)(2010): 401-412
  3. [3] Yangsheng Zhao, Yaoqin Hu, Baohu Zhao, Dong Yang, Nonlinear Coupled Mathematical Model for Solid Deformation and Gas Seepage in fractured Media, Transport in porous Media,55(2)(2004):119-136
  4. [4] Yangsheng Zhao, Yaoqin Hu, Jinping Wei, Dong Yang, The experimental Approach to effective stress law of coal mass by effect of methane , Transport in Porous Media, 53(3)(2003):235-244
  5. [5] Shiwei Niu, Yangsheng Zhao, Yaoqing Hu, Experimental investigation of the temperature and pore pressure effect on permeability of lignite under the in situ condition. Transport in porous media 101(1) (2014):137-148
  6. [6] Yangsheng Zhao, Zijun Feng, Zengchao Feng, Dong Yang, Weiguo Liang, THM coupled mathematical model of fracture media and numerical simulation of a 3D enhanced geothermal system at 573K and buried depth 6000-7000M,Energy,82(2015)193-205
  7. [7] Yangsheng Zhao, Zijun Feng, Baoping Xi, Zhijun Wan, Dong Yang, Weiguo Liang, Deformation and instability failure of borehole at high temperature and high pressure in Hot Dry Rock exploitation, Renewable Energy , 77(5)(2015):159-165
  8. [8] Yangsheng Zhao, Zhijun Wan, Zijun Feng, Dong Yang, Yuan Zhang, Fang Qu, Triaxial compression system for rock testing under high temperature and high pressure, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci,52(2012): 132-138
  9. [9] Y.S. Zhao ,T.H. Kang, Y.Q. Hu, The permeability classification of coal seam in China, Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. 32(4)(1995):365-369
  10. [10] Y.S. Zhao, Z.M. Jin, J. Sun, Mathematical model for coupled solid deformation and methane flow in coal seam, Appl. Math. Modelling, 18(6)(1994):328-333

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